One of Bangalore's finest eating locations for the budget-minded, or anyone for that matter, is Johnson Market. Nestled in between the old and new centres of Bangalore, it has quite a few places that serve amazing rolls. Phanoos, the most popular among them, serves a series of beef rolls named Jumbo, Mambo and Shambo. They even have a good chicken liver roll, though that is not for everyone.
Somewhat similar is Rajinder, which is in Safdarjung Enclave. No beef, though.
These mutton sheekh rolls are very different from kakori kabab rolls at Aap Ki Khatir, or those at Khan Chacha or Nizams. A singular roll is a bit of a meat overload - like the Phanoos roll. The chutney is nice.
Here's a look at some Afghani Chicken. Drool, you sinners!
We called it Kamal ka Dhaaba in those days..(Kamal Cinema). I'm a veggie but I've chauffered around my non-veg friends so often that I can almost taste it all. They always look delicious and the looks of satisfaction on my hostel mates always suggested so.
Haha.. Even I've a few friends who are vegetarian, and there are others who started out vegetarian.
Thanks for visitng, Soulberry.
Hii.. Thanks for you posting this blog.
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